Simon Sinek is a Naughty Temptress

Pamela Parker
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2021


A man who believes in the good in the world? Hot.

Simon Sinek: thought leader, saucy boy.

If you’re a boy-hungry, self-help-hoarding gal like me, then you also get intense crushes on attractive, smart men.

Men like Simon Sinek.

I’ve reached an age where the winds of time are starting to shift from a soft summer breeze to a hard blow that gets sand in my eyes. The age where I am questioning every decision I made in my twenties and wondering why I neglected to prepare for my late thirties.

It’s a transition where I need to redesign my life and find a new purpose/meaning/reason to live.

So when I stumbled upon Simon Sinek’s work, I figured that “finding my why” might give me that new lease on life.

I binged his TED talk on YouTube. I read Start with Why.

Sinek is a man who understands his purpose and believes in the goodness of humanity. He’s an optimist. And he wants everyone to find their unique purpose and the driving force that motivates them to do what they do. Their “why.”

This is the essence of Sinek’s message.


And the message is easy to digest because of his nerd-licious good looks. Looks that awaken my lady lust: his brainy smile and the way his eyes squint a little when he’s amused.

Can my “why” be to find inspiration in good-looking men and be titillated by their messages? Does that count?

Sinek is like Tony Robbins without the extreme height, scratchy voice, and weird pop-music interludes. In fact, he’s not at all like Tony Robbins because he’s totally hot.

Another thing that compels me about Sinek: he loves modern dance.

Yes, he is a man who loves modern dance and talks about it with gusto. This is what makes him oh so scrumptious. He’s passionate. He doesn’t hide it. And he loves the arts.

He’s a REAL MAN.

It’s his ability to be so conversational in front of a crowd and causal insistence that we all have a purpose in this life that speaks directly to my heart.

And some other parts of me (see: underpants).

But I don’t want to marry him or have his babies. I want to have coffee with him and absorb his sexy intellect and his informal handsomeness.

I want to fill my head with his words and my eyes with his face.

It’s my purpose. My why.



Pamela Parker

Pamela is a health and humor writer who also writes one-sentence autobiographies.